• 메인 배너 1
    메인 배너 1
  • 메인 배너 2
    메인 배너 2
  • 메인 배너 3
    메인 배너 3

  • Mother and daughter jewelry
    Celebrate the bond between you both with meaningful jewelry.
    It links between a mother and daughter.
    This jewelry can be worn every day to keep loved
    ones close and life's significant moments.

    사랑과 보살핌의 증표로 엄마와 딸이 함께 고르고 선택하는
    모든 것들은 특별한 순간을 떠올리기에 충분합니다.
    평범한 날이나 화려함을 필요로 하는 날의 어떤 의상과도
    어울리는 절제된 세련미를 추구하기에 오랜시간 간직할 수 있는
    가치와 따뜻한 핸드메이드 감성을 담은 라필리아입니다.
  • 메인 roll 배너 2Mother and daughter jewelry
    Celebrate the bond between you both with meaningful jewelry.
    It links between a mother and daughter.
    This jewelry can be worn every day to keep loved
    ones close and life's significant moments.
  • 메인 roll 배너 1
    메인 roll 배너 1
  • 메인 roll 배너 2
    메인 roll 배너 2
  • About us
  • About us

    Lafiglia's meaning is a daughter of Italian origin.
    Let her know how important and precious she is to you.
    Use a timeless piece of Jewelry for
    your daughter on all special occasions.
    A lifelong friendship built on sharing,
    hugs and kisses, warmth, and caring.
    Shop our favourite Mother-Daughter Jewelry in Lafiglia

    라필리아는 이태리어 딸이란 뜻으로 귀하고 소중한 세상의 모든 딸들에게
    특별한 날 너희와 같이 빛나는 보석을 선물하겠다는
    마음을 담은 브랜드입니다.
  • About usLafiglia's meaning is a daughter of Italian origin.
    Let her know how important and precious she is to you.
    Use a timeless piece of Jewelry for your daughter
    on all special occasions.
    A lifelong friendship built on sharing, hugs and kisses,
    warmth, and caring.
    Shop our favourite Mother-Daughter Jewelry in Lafiglia